Sunday, 12 October 2014

working in the classroom

"This is my daddy!

"Look at my butterfly!"

Practicing our cutting skills
Crayon Rubbings with leaves

using fall colours

team work
drawing pictures

making fancy name tags for our Identity projects

Working with Mrs. Ahmed, our volunteer helper 


Independent practice

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - finding letters in the sandbox


More letters up the alphabet tree...
Using Wiki Sticks    

Making a fresh batch of play dough in the kitchen

Working together to make puzzles

At the light table
Sorting fall shapes on the light table

Addition using the abacus

Exploring leaves at the sensory bin
                          AT THE WRITING CENTRE......
Mrs. Fard teaches us different ways we can write at the writing table.

Writing names using clipboards

Drawing Mrs. Grierson on the chalkboard

Another Mrs. Grierson....
Learning to write our names

Signing up to share our creations with the class

Writing Messages on plastic plates

Writing on whiteboards

Drawing and beginning to add text

Quiet reading time
Reading the names of the people in our class

Exploring the name cards

We love to share our work with our classmates!

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