Saturday, 4 October 2014

Identity Day in Early Years

We had a wonderful time on Identity Day!  Many students brought in something that was very special to them or something they loved.  Each child had an opportunity to share what they brought in and explain why it was special to them.  Then we displayed our items in a "museum" and walked around the museum carefully to view everyone's special items.  We also went to the other Early Years rooms to enjoy their museums.  Here are pictures of us with an item that we LOVE!

                          Here we are, walking around like "big people" do at museums:

The children were so excited to see what everyone brought in!  
Next Friday, we will be touring the school to see what the other students in Roseland have brought to school for the School Wide Identity Day!

**Just a reminder to check your child's calendar for when they are the Leader of the Day.  If you need another outline for the Leader activity, please send a note in the Note Tote so your child has the opportunity to participate.

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