Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Our Day on Fighting Island

What a wonderful day we had on the island! The beautiful fall day was warm and sunny and allowed us to spend the day outdoors in comfort.  The autumn colours were gorgeous and the children were eager to learn.  Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who were able to join us.  We couldn't have done it without you.  A day spent with your child on a field trip is priceless!

Waiting for the bus which was 1/2 hour late....our little learners were so patient!

Waiting eagerly to board the ferry

Our view from the ferry

Our view from the back of the ferry where we learned that a motor helped the boat move
Mr. Marentette greeted us on Fighting Island

Our first stop....visiting the pheasants

The pheasant feathers were a hit!

All decked out with our fishing gear

dipping our nets to search for pond life


everyone was busy looking for creatures

parents were busy making sure their children did not dive into the pond

There were lots of deer prints by the pond.  Or were they "baby bears"?

We caught lots of muddy water!

     After the pond, we went on a long hike through the woods, looking for interesting objects.  We took our colour swatches with us (the fall shades that we mixed and created ourselves) to see if we could match them with any colours in nature.  The children really liked using their colour swatches!

Mrs. Dupuis caught a little snake for us all to observe!

Then we brought our interesting objects back to the lab so we could observe, sort, classify and check them out under the microscopes. 

"WOW!!!"  Pure joy at seeing a real snake!

We had such a wonderful day on the island together!

Getting ready to go back on the boat

Our ferry awaits us....

Everyone was quiet and reflective on the way back.

"See you next year, Fighting Island!"

 Thanks again to everyone who joined us on this fantastic learning experience!

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