"We all had a playground growing up....it was called outside." (author unknown)
Parachute games in the backfield |
Saying hello to our friends |
Changing places under the parachute |
matching fall shades in nature |
Drawing interesting things we see in the backfield |
using our magic cameras to take pictures of nature |
A wonderful drawing of "the tree with red berries" |
"We found a secret drawing place!" |
Some of the wonderful quotes from the children while they were colour matching in nature with their partners:
"Look we found a leaf that matches both of our shades....there is some green and some yellow in the leaf!"
"My dark green shade matches the grass that's in the shade but not the grass that's in the sun!"
"My shade matches the branches on this tree over here."
"My red matches the berries on that bush...I don't think those berries are good for eating though. Just the birds can eat them."
"This shade of orange doesn't match anything out here. I think I better get another shade from the basket."
"My yellow shade matches the sunshine!"
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