Sunday, 12 October 2014

Outdoor Learning

The fall weather has been so beautiful lately.  We have embraced the opportunity to engage in outdoor learning many days in the past few weeks.
Here are some terrific photos of the children outdoors during our scavenger hunt.  They worked in partners to find objects that were on their nature list. 

We all started out at the goal post getting our clipboards, lists and pencils.
The boys talked about which items they were going to find first.
"This is what we are going to find first!"
"I found the rock.  Where is it on the list?"
"Look! We see a trailer.  Maybe it is a campsite!"
Staying together with their partners
"It's right there!"
Checking off their findings on the list.
Everyone working hard to find red leaves.
"We can't find an acorn anywhere!"
"We are stuck on the squirrel."
"Do you see an acorn out there?"
"Look at this pretty flower.  Can we put this on our list?"
Starting to join together into teams

"Is this an acorn?"

They found a walnut shell, which was the closet thing to an acorn we could find.

Checking the list twice

Checking the leaves out very carefully

Gathering back at our meeting rocks

Talking about our findings.....We could not find any acorns or squirrels.  We think it is because there are no oak trees around our school.  Therefore, no acorns are dropped.  Since squirrels are looking for acorns right now, they are probably in places where there are more oak trees!

Heading back into school with our partner

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