Thursday, 2 April 2015

Investigating plants

This week we brought in a variety of spring plants and flowers to examine at the science table.  The children are beginning to explore, observe, draw and ask questions about the plants....





The teacher asked, "Which one is most interesting to you? 
Tell me about it....."
"The yellow one looks like a sunflower."
"I love flowers.  They are so pretty."
"I think this one (Cala Lily) is the tallest and biggest one."
"The flowers on the Easter Lily look like a trumpet."
"The daffodil looks like yellow fish."
"That one is the biggest.  I think it's the nicest."
"I noticed that the part in the middle is really sticky on the opened up flower but just soft on the closed up flower.  I think it gets more sticky when the flower opens more."
"The middle thing in the flower looks like popcorn....sticky popcorn."
"All of them are good to me."
Someone suggested we should make a flower shop at the dramatic play centre...we will set it up next week!
With the temperature finally on the rise, we were able to go outside and really PLAY this week!


Oh the joy!!!
And of course, we always have fun, just doing our day to day activities....





playing games...

And celebrating birthdays!

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