Saturday, 16 May 2015

Making Bird's Nests

This week, the children used their found materials to construct bird's nests.  We discussed how birds would make the materials stay together...glue?  tape?  stick tack?  One of the students suggested MUD!!!! So we made some fresh mud to act as our "glue".  What fun we had!

The book we read....

                                      The Materials we used...

The mud we made....

The brilliant creators...

The beautiful nests....

The children were very pleased with their homemade nests!

Our Leader Activity continues.....

I can make animal sounds!

Dolphin sounds
                                                                      So can we!

Puppy dog
Kitty cat


Purring like a kitten!

I can snap my fingers!

So can we!

I can do a flip!

So can we!

I can do a soccer trick!

So can we!

I can sing a song!

So can we!

We are excited to learn more skills next week!

A new visitor in our science area!

We have been feeding Sammy cucumbers and lettuce and making sure that his enclosure is moist at all times.  He likes hanging out upside down on the top of the container.  
We think he sticks to the top using his special slime.

Here are some other activities we have been engaged in this week....

Yay!  Another great week!

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