Saturday, 14 March 2015

Planners and Builders

This week, we were engaged in many different learning activities.  Our class is very interested in building.  We talked about how builders and construction workers have a plan before they begin to work.  Each day, we chose construction teams to design plans and then use their plans to build structures.  Take a look at our construction teams....

We are planners!  We are builders!



We are continuing to work on turn taking while playing games....

Here are a few of our favourites....

We have been talking about emotions as well and discussing situations where we feel different things....
Brainstorming using a web

Painting our feelings with watercolours and drawing with markers....



The teacher pointed the camera and said, "Show me an emotion!"

"This is happy!"

"This is sad!"


"This is angry!"

"This is surprised!"

"This is confused!"
"This is silly!"

We all feel different emotions everyday!
We also enjoyed...
PIZZA poems
PIZZA songs
PIZZA books
PIZZA activities



Finally, we got to make our own mini pizzas!!!

And then eat them!!!


Thank you to James and his mother for donating the pizza items.
Also, thank you to
Mrs. Ahmed and Mrs. Ford for helping us make the pizzas!

Here are a few links that your child may enjoy watching with you:

I am a pizza

Pete's a pizza
Have a wonderful, WARM and restful
March Break with your family!
See you in the Spring!



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