Saturday, 7 March 2015

Developing skills in Kindergarten

What may simply look like "play" to adults, is very important in developing essential life skills in young children.  Have a peek at some skills we have been developing this past week....

Building - Creating, designing, cooperating, negotiating, working as a team...


Playing board games - taking turns, developing strategy, playing fair, being a good sport


Working in the "Marble Den" - experimenting, turn taking, discussing and solving problems.....

 Independent work - building focus, experimenting, developing self confidence and pride.....



Being an audience member - listening, enjoying, demonstrating respect and appreciation...
Pretending -  using imagination, developing self confidence, risk taking, self control

"Play is the highest form of research."   Albert Einstein
"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning.  But for children, play is serious learning."     Mr. Rogers
Looking forward to more wonderful learning and growing together! 



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