Friday, 12 June 2015

Summer time activities!

We have been discussing activities that we enjoy in the summer....swimming, picnicing, gardening, riding our bikes, going to the park, playing with friends, eating ice cream, drinking lemonade and CAMPING!!!!!  We decided to set up a camping centre in the dramatic play area.  

Camping with our friends....

The campsite
The fishing pond

The tent and woods

Exploring Bubbles!!!

Bubble painting...

Bubble Blowing with different instruments...

Making home made lemonade...

"When life gives you lemons..."

"...Make lemonade!"

All you need is 7 lemons...

1 cup of sugar

and 7 cups of water...

Get and lemon and slice it in half....ask an adult to help!

Use a juicer to SQUEEZE all the juice out.

Keep squeezing...

Ask an adult to help if your arm gets sore!  :0)

Pour all the juice into the water (don't let the seeds fall in)

Get the measuring cup ready...

Measure 1 cup of sugar...

The cup is not quite full yet....

Pour it in the pitcher...

Stir it really well...

Keep stirring until all the sugar is dissolved....

"Who wants to be the taste tester?"

Wow!!! Was it ever delicious!!!!

Making masks....

Playing outside in the sunny weather...

Playing at the sensory bin, light table and science table...

And some of the usual weekly activities...

What a busy but exciting week!  We can not believe there are just 2 weeks left of school!!!

*A reminder that Friday, June 19 will be ice cream sundae day, as a special treat for all the Early Years students from all the kindergarten teaching staff.  Yummy!
*Also, a reminder that Monday, June 22 will be our Teddy Bear picnic from 10:15 - 12:15.  We hope you will be able to join us!

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