Saturday, 22 November 2014

New explorations this week

Setting up our restaurant in the Dramatic Play area....

This week the children decided that they wanted to turn the dramatic play area into a restaurant.  We discussed what we would need in the restaurant and the people who would be found in a restaurant such as cooks, servers, cashiers and customers.   Then we got to work making a restaurant in the Early Years Room.

We brainstormed things we like to eat and drink at a restaurant....

We got to work making menus...

The class thought of some names for the restaurant and then voted to select one.  Our restaurant is called "The Order Up Restaurant."  Some of the children worked on a sign for the restaurant.

 Other children were excited to make food for the restaurant....

making pizzas out of play dough and using buttons for the toppings

the finished pizzas

making a big pie

Yummy!  The pie is baked.

star cookies for dessert in our restaurant

 Then we made a special mixture of salt dough with our helper, Ms. Rosa.  Each child got to make something for the restaurant.

Now it's time to get the restaurant up and going!

At the other centres this week....

                                                         science and light table

discovering the thermometer

putting the thermometer outside in the cold

reading the thermometer

recording the temperature inside and outside

The sensory bin was loaded with logs, rocks, sticks, animals and birdseed!

When counting all our names on the light table, we discovered that we had 25 students!

We made all our names fit on the table!

Our play dough group this week made white play dough with sparkles to look like the snow!

"Look how beautiful this sparkly play dough is!"

Working with numbers and letters....

Enjoying hot chocolate on a "share the warmth" day.


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