Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Exploring Primary Colours

Last week, the children had fun exploring the 3 primary colours:
RED, BLUE and YELLOW with our concurrent education student, Ms. Stiles.  She will be with us for the next 4 weeks.

"Look! My cars are the primary colours!"

Check out the video that we enjoyed in class:

Primary Colours VIDEO

Team Work and Cooperative Play....

making a plan for a structure

changing colours in water table
We made purple with blue and red.

The boys worked very hard on this structure and discussed things that they could add.

They were very pleased with the end result.

These boys created "Shell City" which was a museum of shells for visitors to enjoy.

We got to see some of the different shells that were in the museum.  You could even "hear the ocean" in some of them!

Creating letters with our bodies

Reading books with our teachers (this is Ms. Jen...our fabulous lunch aide!)

Playing math games

"High five! Good game!"  The children are working on congratulating others on their success.

A little healthy competition

Letter puzzles

Working at the light table with beads, buttons and wiki sticks

Read and Rest time after lunch provides our students with a chance to relax for a bit.

Working together to mix colours on the chalkboard

High Ho Cherry of the new favourite games in the classroom 

Exploring at the science table, "I think there are about 100 acorns in this container."

These boys worked for close to an hour, planning and building this structure together.

All the people are up high so they can "see the world!"

Sorting out animals by kind, colour and size

The girls used the number cards to create games

"Which is your favourite?"

Other students started to join in and take surveys
All the students had different questions for their surveys.

Using Legos and blocks together to build

Everyone LOVES the big block centre!

The girls created Canadian Flags at the art centre and then asked if they could sing O Canada to the class.
Great job girls!

                          Independent work.....

outside hoola hooping

mixing yellow and blue to make green

arranging Fighting Island treasures

coloured circles

reading books

mixing red and blue

just bouncing around!

writing with clipboards

building puzzles 

Our class LOVES surveys

             Creative Minds in Kindergarten.....
                          Play dough creations

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