Saturday, 29 November 2014

We make good choices!

We are working together as a class to make good choices and be SUPER STUDENTS!  When we make good choices, we earn stickers on our class star.  Each time we get to 25 stickers we get a class reward.  Talk to your child about good choices they can make at school and at home.

Be a good listener...

Raise your hand to talk       Don't interrupt when others are talking            Give others a chance to talk

Be a good friend.....

share toys      no hands on     ask to use something if it is already being used        take turns
                                            ask someone to play if they are alone

Be a good helper.....

Put things in their proper places     Keep the classroom clean      Help someone when they are hurt

Control your body...

sit crisscross on the carpet      use walking feet     use a medium voice in the classroom      raise your hand
  take turns      slow your body down        find a quiet place to cool down

This week our 25 stars earned us an ice cream party!



This past week we have been discussing how animals prepare for and survive through winter.  We noticed that we are getting colder and must put on warmer clothes but what do the animals do in the winter months?
Here are some of our questions and explorations....

How do the animals stay warm?

         Where do they go in the winter?

                      What do they eat in the winter?

                                 How do they get food?

                                              Where do they sleep?
                                                       How long do they sleep?

                                                                 Which animals hibernate?

                                                                              What can we do to help them? 



Grey squirrel, grey squirrel, swish your busy tail!
We found out you can make grey by mixing black and white!

Building dens, caves and nests with different materials

"I'm like a bird right now collecting things to
make my nest!"
The finished nest!

                 We discussed how it was difficult for animals to find food in the ice and snow.  The children were given an ice cube with an orange slice inside.  They pretended that they were an animal that was trying to get their food out of the ice.  They loved this experiment and were very persistent in trying to get to the orange!

We decided to make bird feeders to hang around the grounds of Roseland School to help our little animal friends.  We used paper towel rolls, lard and birdseeds in hopes of fattening up the birds and squirrels for the winter.

It was a wonderful experience for all of us!  We will go check on our bird feeders in a few weeks to see if they are being used.  If so, we will make some more later in the winter.

After this, we pretended we were different animals in the wintertime.  We tried out different positions with our bodies to see which would be the warmest for an animal.

We decided that curling up in a ball was definitely the warmest position!

Making hibernating animals and their 
habitats with plastercine!

What a beautiful collage of animals!