Saturday, 20 December 2014

A Busy Week Before the Holidays!

This week, we read and acted out the story of the gingerbread man.  Then we enjoyed decorating and eating our own gingerbread men!

Of course we did some of our regular daily things...playing with play dough, writing, reading, drawing, making patterns, 
exploring at the light table...

We also had some fun with painting.  We added:
cinnamon to our red paint
mint to our green paint
vanilla to our white paint
Our paintings tasted good enough to eat!!!

Everyone was busy this week....

"I'm writing a journal about me and my friend!"

"I could get a book that shows me how to spell Christmas!"

"I'm going to put Santa in a puzzle!"

"We are finding the colours together!"

"Fun play at the water table with pastry brushes!"

Practicing the alphabet

Counting marshmellows for the hot chocolate

"We want to watch him make hot chocolate!"

Thank you to Alex and his mom for bringing in hot chocolate for the class!
We really appreciated the treat!

A special "thank you" to Nikola's family for donating Kleenex,  flour for play dough and art supplies for our art centre. 
"Thank you" also for all the beautiful cards, gifts and kind words.  We truly appreciate your generosity and kindness.
Enjoy the holidays with your family and friends!
We will see you in 2015!!!
Mrs. Grierson and Mrs. Fard

Sunday, 14 December 2014

A crafty week!

 It was a messy but exciting week in Early Years.  We were busy painting and making arts and crafts....

Nests and caves....

Picture Frames....


Other crafts....

Other happenings in the classroom this week..



Building and creating:

Yummy grilled cheese and apples from the Healthy Snack Program:

Thank you to Ali's mom for coming in to make ALL the sandwiches for all 3 Early Years classes!
They really enjoyed their treat!
