Saturday, 27 September 2014


Welcome to our classroom blog.  I hope you will enjoy checking the blog on a regular basis to see photos and read information about what is happening in our very busy full day early learning program.  Please take note of the links on the blog to information from the school board website, school webpage, bussing information and some links to some educational games you can enjoy with your child at home.  I try to update the blog once a week.  The blog provides a great opportunity to engage in conversation with your child about his/her learning at school!

Take a look at just a few photos of our friends from our first 3 weeks of school!  We are very proud of the quick adjustment to the school rules and routines that the students are making. We are continuing to emphasize these rules, such as using our words, walking feet in the classroom, inside voice, gentle hands and caring for our classroom and personal belongings!

Just a reminder that this Friday October 3, is Identity Day in kindergarten.  Each child is asked to bring in an object or picture that represents something he or she is passionate about (ie. a sport, activity, hobby, pet  etc.).  All items will be out for display for the Early Years students to view and discuss.  We will then take a picture of your child and the item they have brought to school so we can build a community Early Years bulletin board for the entire school to view the following Friday.  The item will return home at the end of the day on Oct. 3. 

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